Heroes and Hooves

Equine Assisted Therapy

We are a non-profit horse therapy organization offering services to Veterans, Law
Enforcement, EMT, and First Responders suffering from P.T.S.D. and other issues. This is
a form of therapy that involves interactions between patients and horses.This involves activities such as
grooming, feeding, haltering and leading a horse with the help and support of a
horse professional.

During the activity and after working with the horse we will observe and
interact with you to identify behavior patterns and process thoughts and
emotions.It will also provide an innovative atmosphere in which the therapist and
you can identify and address a range of emotional and behavioral challenges.

The benefits of equine therapy are due to the nature of the horse you
will be interacting with.

 Horses are typically non-judgmental, have no expectations or motives, and are effective at
mirroring attitudes and behaviors of the humans they are working with.

Equine therapy is successful integrating into programs for adults that are being
treated for PTSD, Substance abuse, Addictions,  Mood
disorders, , Grief/loss, Trauma, Depression and other related conditions.



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